Welcome to Mount Albert Methodist Church
About our church
We are called to welcome diversity, nurture community, and develop faith into action.
Te manaaki i te kanorau, te manaaki i te hapori, me te whakahanake i te Whakapono ki te mahi.
We are a welcoming faith community which reflects love and, connects with God through Jesus Christ.
We’re part of the Auckland Methodist Synod, and Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa – The Methodist Church of New Zealand.

Services and events
Regular services
Our regular service is at 10am every Sunday at 831 New North Road, Mount Albert. This service usually lasts about one hour and is followed by a shared morning tea.
Children at MAMC
The young people of Mount Albert Methodist are led by volunteers who bring their various creative gifts to illustrate Christian principles and texts to children from 0 to 18 years of age. The tenets of Christianity are offered to the children, who can make their own choices in consultation with their parents regarding what these should mean to them. The children regularly lead church services, and design their contributions themselves guided by the Sunday School teachers. Younger children are able to play in the crèche area with puzzles, books, and colouring-in equipment during the first half of the service, and then all go out to their activites during the second half. These activities are held both together and divided into Senior, Junior, and Infants classes. Nappy change facilities are located in the unisex bathroom in the church foyer.
Ōwairaka Community Club
Open 3 days per week, Monday to Thursday 8.30 – 3.00
We are a Creative and Social space for people with lived experience of mental health issues/tangata whai ora. Offering a varied programme of creative and wellbeing activities.
Piano Concerts
The presence of Katherine Aaustin’s Steinway grand piano in the church has enabled us to start up a regular concert series for talented young performers. We call the group the Auckland Piano Club, although performers can include instrumentalists, not only piano works!
Concerts take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 2.30pm, and there is usually a concert or masterclass the following Friday of the same week at 7pm.
A wonderful range of beautiful and inspiring music is presented in each concert – including many works of Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Liszt – some of the greatest, most exciting and uplifting music ever written. Items also sometimes include chamber music groups: this Sunday 19 May we will be treated to Schubert’s ‘Shepherd on The Rock’ (with singer, clarinet and piano) Rachmaninov’s gorgeous Trio Elegiac no 1 , and movements from Dvorak’s deeply touching Dumky Trio.
The performers are advanced university students, brilliant young performers from the community, and some graduated and professional musicians whose etudes like to share their gifts in these shared concerts. The level of precision, musicality and precision from all these performers is to be witnessed to be believed. It is always an afternoon of uplift, delight, thrill and inspiration.
Do come and experience it, be transported, – and please tell your friends about it!
Entry is by donation; all proceeds go to raise money for the church. (We suggest minimum $10 up to $20 for audience members, according to what one is able to give)
The dates are:
Sunday 19 May 2.30pm
Friday 24 May 7pm
Rae de Lisle masterclass
Sunday 16 June 2.30pm
Friday 21 June 7pm
Sunday 21 July 2.30pm
Friday 26 July 7pm
Sunday 18 August 2.30pm
Friday 23 August 7pm
Sunday 15 September 2.30pm
Friday 20 September 7pm
Sunday 20 October 2.30pm
Friday 25 October 7pm
Sunday 17 November 2.30pm
Friday 22 November 7pm
Sunday 15 December 2.30pm
Friday 20 December 7pm.
Mount Albert Methodist Church, 831 New North Rd, Mt Albert, Auckland.
Mount Albert Methodist Church Choir
Our enthusiastic and accomplished choir conductor, Mark Rosser, encourages a motley band of talented amateurs to perform works such as Johannes Brahms ‘Requiem’, Andrew Carter ‘Benedicite’, Camille Saint-Saëns ‘Oratorio de Noël’, Felix Mendelssohn ‘Elijah’, and many, many others! The choir is a high quality but relaxed and welcoming ensemble that provides spiritual support for the congregation and has fun doing so.